— TypeFermi.MollerPlesset.RMP2
Wave function object for Second Order Restricted Moller-Plesset methods.
High Level Interface
Run a RMP2 computation and return the RMP2 object:
julia> @energy rmp2
Equivalent to
julia> Fermi.MollerPlesset.RMP2()
This function calls a constructor that runs a MP2 computation based on the options found in Fermi.Options
Name | Description |
correlation | Computed RMP2 correlation energy |
energy | Total wave function energy (Reference energy + Correlation energy) |
Relevant options
These options can be set with @set <option> <value>
Option | What it does | Type | choices [default] |
mp2_alg | Picks MP2 algorithm | Int | [1] |
basis | What basis set to use | String | ["sto-3g"] |
df | Whether to use density fitting | Bool | true [false ] |
rifit | What aux. basis set to use for RI | String | ["auto"] |
drop_occ | Number of occupied electrons to be dropped | Int | [0] |
drop_vir | Number of virtual electrons to be dropped | Int | [0] |